emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating in English


['em·i·grate || 'emɪgreɪt]

leave one's own country to settle in anothe

Use "emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating", or refer to the context using the word "emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating" in the English Dictionary.

1. All emigrated

2. I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.

3. They planned to emigrate.

4. It means taking into account the possible spiritual costs of emigrating.

5. He considered emigrating, but his family managed to dissuade him.

6. I flirted briefly with the idea of emigrating.

7. The men emigrate to work as seamen.

8. Go back there? I'd sooner emigrate!

9. In 1959, he emigrated to Russia.

10. There is no cash transaction in eMigrate.

11. How long ago did your parents emigrate?

12. Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.

13. Over 100,000 people have since emigrated to Germany.

14. His parents emigrated from Poland before World War II.

15. Other individuals emigrate and become permanent residents of other nations.

16. He emigrated to Australia as a young man.

17. It's no wonder you all emigrated to America!

18. Many emigrated to Australia to seek their fortune.

19. Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period.

20. In order to survive, the Prophet decided to emigrate.

21. About 50[Sentencedict.com ],000 hopeful job hunters are queuing to emigrate.

22. Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate.

23. Albert Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States.

24. My father emigrated to Australia from Germany in 1949.

25. Along with her family, she emigrated from Jordan to North America.